LeukAware: workshop on childhood leukemia prevention



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Manuel Ramírez Orellana

Jefe de la Sección de Oncología

Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús

También puedes registrarte en este enlace.

LeukAware: I Workshop on childhood leukemia prevention

Date and time: October 18th, 2024. 16:00 h CEST (UTC+2)

Location: Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid

The Cátedra UAM-FOI is pleased to announce LeukAware, the inaugural workshop dedicated to the prevention of childhood leukemia. Scheduled for October 18th, 2024, in Madrid, Spain, this workshop aims to gather leading experts to explore and discuss cutting-edge strategies for preventing childhood leukemia.

Participants will engage in insightful discussions on various topics, including global variations in the incidence of childhood leukemia, genetic predispositions, and the origins of leukemia in infants and children.

The event will be held in a hybrid format, allowing attendees to choose between on-site participation or joining online. For detailed information, please refer to the attached program. Should there be any questions or need for further details, inquiries are welcomed and can be directed to our contact information.

Contact information: info@catedrauam-foi.es

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